Suma Latha

  • Got inspiration from her mother at a young age
  • Engineering, in my words, is the concept of using science, technology, mathematics, logic, and problem solving to solve problems
    • Very positive impact on the world
  • Many types of engineering
    • Mechanical, software, industrial, chemical, electrical, aerospace, etc.
  • Learn about all things before you choose one to focus on
  • Qualcomm
    • Quality communication
    • Wants to bring mobile things to different domains
  • Isn’t always work, they also do fun activities
  • Doing your research to see what each type does and what is interesting to you
  • Very hard to balance work and home life

Reflection from Suma: Engineering is very important to the world and there are many different engineering options for people to explore. If you want to go into engineering, you should always learn about all of the options to see which one is best for you and then focus on it. Since she is doing what she is interested in, work for her is very fun. However, when she had kids, it was very hard for her to balance work and home life but with time, it got easier for her.

Nisha Sethia

  • Got inspiration from her father at a young age
    • Used the machines that her father used and figured that she could do it as well
    • Only girl to do it as a 4th grader
    • Wanted to be an engineer that built the machines
  • First person in her family to study
  • Only knew 3 types of engineering when she started
    • Don’t need to know much to start learning about engineering
  • Got interested in computer engineering and went to college for 4 years to study it
  • Wanted to be someone who developed a wireless phone
  • Took the challenge and became a software engineer
  • Dream company was Qualcomm for her because she was moving to San Diego
    • Software engineer/designer
  • Growth mindset for choosing which engineering to pursue, whatever one is interested in after research
  • Wishes she got more exposure to different things such as programming - also her biggest challenge

Reflection from Nisha: One doesn’t need to know much about engineering to start, but you need to have your interest before diving deep into it. Always keep an open mind and a growth mindset when choosing which engineering career to pursue because some aren’t for everyone. She wanted to break barriers and trailblaze her career from nothing to something, and that nobody in her family has done. She shows that anything is possible if you work hard and love what you do.