4.1 The Internet

Daily Video 1

  • We have created smaller computers
  • Even though it is easier to do now, it is still hard to do it alone
  • Computers can receive and send data
  • Packet: Small amount of data sent over a network
  • Every packet has a source and destination for the information
  • Computer system: A group of computing devices and programs working together for a joint purpose
  • Computer network: A group of interconnected computing devices capable of sending or receiving data (type of computing system)
  • Packet switching: A file that is broke up into packets, sent in any order, and reassembled by the recipient’s device
  • Path: Sequence of directly connected computing devices from the sender to the receiver
  • Routing: Finding a path
  • Bandwidth: Max amount of data sent into a fixed amount of time on a computer network

Daily Video 2

  • Internet is a computing network that has interconnected networks the use standardized, open communication protocols
  • To access the internet, you need to connect to a computing device to an Internet connected device
  • Protocol: Set of rules that were agreed on about the behavior of a system (they are open)
  • Internet was designed to be scalable
  • Information is passed through data streams
  • Data streams have data that is in packets
  • Packets can be received in order, out of order, or not at all
  • IP, UDP, and TCP are all common protocols
  • World Wide Web is a system of links, programs, and files
  • HTTP is used by the world wide web and is a protocol
  • World wide web uses the internet