Link to my quiz

Kobe Bryant Quiz


I planned to make two quizzes in one about Kobe using AppLab on I will have an easy quiz and a hard quiz that both have 3 questions with 4 multiple choice answers. After every question it will tell you if you got the question right or wrong and display your score at the end of the quiz.


Both of the quizzes that provided immediate feedback on whether the user answered a question correctly or incorrectly were ones that I was able to implement. The user could retake the quiz as many times as they wanted after finishing it, and all of the questions worked without a problem.


One issue I had was that I couldn’t get the quiz’s final result to show up. This was the only aspect of my original plan that I was unable to complete. While creating the quiz, I encountered more issues, such as buttons that led to the incorrect screen because I had mislabeled them. It took me some time to identify which buttons had incorrect labels and to change them to the correct ones.


I had no prior experience with AppLab or before this assignment. I feel a great amount more comfortable using the software now that I’ve created the quiz and worked through a few problems. Although I recognize that this is basic difficulty, it will probably help me advance in my computer science career.