The features that I am going to be working on are an NBA team record table that automatically updates to show current records and a sports betting helper that will give the players stats from their past 5 games that they look up.

Reporting Category How my features will meet it
Program Purpose and Function My program will serve to be a way to entertain people and provide them with a source to practice sports trivia.
Data Abstraction I will store players in lists based on their teams. Each player will have a variable assigned to them, which will hold their stats. When looking up a player the stats from their last 5 games will show up.
Managing Complexity The list would be used to manage the players. Without a list, the program would be inefficient, because it would have to call all players.
Procedural Abstraction I will develop a procedure to calculate a players averages from their past 5 games. I will store the user’s response in a variable and use that to decide what to do on the next screen.
Algorithm Implementation The algorithm which I will use will check if the user is searching up a real player. If so, a screen will show saying that it is not a player. This shows sequencing, selection, and iteration.
Testing I will test multiple calls. I will test one call where I look up a player to see if their stats pop up. Then, I will test a call where I the player is not real. This will test the continuation feature of the game as well as the ending of the game.

Video Planning

This which I plan to show in my video:

  • User looking up a player
  • Screen with stats from last 5 games
  • User looking up someone who is not a player
  • Screen showing it’s not found I think the video will be able to be easily done under the given threshold of 60 seconds, since there are a few simple things to be shown.

Code Plan

Potential code segments to submit to Collegeboard:

  • Usage of list to store list of players
  • Code which will determine their stats from the past 5 games
  • Accessing the list storing the player data With the code segments, it will be important to have segments which can serve for multiple requirements. Based on the examples, it looks like there are only a limited amount of code segments which can be uploaded, so it is important to use each one to its maximum potential.