Submission 1

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 0 I thought it had all of the requirements but looking how college board graded it, I realized that their purpose wasn't good. This means they get no points.
Data Abstraction 1 1 This student met the requirements because they had all the necessary things such as two code segments and all of the details.
Managing Complexity 1 0 I thought that they met the requirements with all of the work that they did but looking back at it, he didn't meet any of the requirements that was on the rubric.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 This student met the requirements because they had all the necessary things such as a student procedure and described the functionality of the procedure.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 This student met the requirements because they had all the necessary things such as an algorithm in the procedure and explains the procedure with lots of details.
Testing 1 1 This student met the requirements because they had all the necessary things such as it describes the two calls, describes the conditions, and identifies the results.

Submission 2

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 0 1 I gave it a 0 out of 1 because I thought that they didn't give a purpose. This is because I didn't see the word purpose in it and thought that the must have forgot it. Looking at how college board scored them however, it showed that they did have a purpose at the end of their first response.
Data Abstraction 1 1 This student met the requirements because they had all the necessary things such as two code segments and all of the details. Something else that I saw that was pretty above and beyond was that they added explanations within the code to make it easier to follow.
Managing Complexity 1 1 I thought that they met the requirements with all of the work that they did but looking back at it, he didn't meet any of the requirements that was on the rubric.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 This student met the requirements because they had all the necessary things such as a student procedure and described the functionality of the procedure.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 This student met the requirements because they had all the necessary things such as an algorithm in the procedure and explains the procedure with lots of details.
Testing 1 1 This student met the requirements because they had all the necessary things such as it describes the two calls, describes the conditions, and identifies the results.