Vocab Explanation
Sequence More than one line of code
Static Text Text that doesn’t change
Input Code that is inserted by the user
Output The response the computer generates from the input
Scrum Master Manage scrum board and ensure agile framework is followed, track issues and looks for opportunities for team to improve
DevOps Combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increase a team’s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity
Frontend Developer Develops what users interact with and what the user sees
Backend Developer Develops what goes on behind the scenes, what the user doesn’t see, the technical stuff
J.son Transport information between systems
Agile Practices like pair programming, planning sessions, sprints…
Static Text Text that does not change
Sequence Two or more lines of code
Array Stores collection of multiple items under single variable name
append, remove, pop Various methods, append adds an element to the end, remove removes at an index, and pop removes the last item.
Condition Allows the computer to know whether or not to keep repeating the loop.
Elements [in a list] An item in a list.
For Loop FOR LOOP repeats a function for a set number of times; I is the number of times repeated
Iteration Repetition of a Process
Initialization What sets the counter variable to a starting value. For example (var i = 0) represents an initial value of 0.
increment/decrement Modifies the counter variable after each repetition.
Indexing / List Index The position of an element in a list, starting from 0
Nesting Having one data type or function inside another data type or function, such as lists or loops.
While Loop The while loop is used to repeat a section of code an unknown number of times until a specific condition is met
algorithm finite set of instructions that accomplish a specific task, composed of sequencing, selection, and iteration.
iteration repeating steps or instructions over and over again
selection a section of code is run only if a condition is met.
sequencing outline or set of steps that we do and follow in order that they are given
variable you can store an actual value, the value of a variable in another variable, the result of an operation, or result of a procedural call
String a sequence of characters
Algorithm A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem solving operations, especially by a computer.
Iteration Repeating steps, or instructions over and over again. ( this could be also often called a loop )
Selection is a decision or question. At some point in an algorithm there may need to be a question because the algorithm has reached a step where one or more options are available.
Documentation Text that explains the what, how, or why of your code.
Libraries A collection of pre written code or procedures that coders can use to maximize their efficiency
Application Programming Interface A type of software through several computers are able to communicate information amongst each other