Benjamin Lee


AP Gov

23 August 2022

  • Different media examples

    • Print media was in the forms of newspapers, magazines, and journals.

      • Also the oldest form and example of media

      • Not doing as well today but is still a daily source of media

      • Very important and not dead because it does many different reports that the TV copies

      • Does different unique things that the other media examples don’t

      • People who still read this type of media are more likely to be politically active

      • Popular examples consist of LA Times, WAPO, and NYT

    • Broadcast media (TV or radio)

      • Majority get from TV

      • ABC, CBS, NBS, Fox

      • Radio was made before TV, commuter news

      • Bigger audiences in local news

    • Talk Radio

      • 1980s, biased interviews

      • Liberals didn’t succeed in this form of media

      • Podcast is similar but is mostly scripted (Liberals having more success in this form)

    • Internet

      • Revolutionized media

      • Is very reliable

      • Can produce false news and very opinionated stories

  • How does it work?

    • Profit

      • Is made through the profits that it makes

      • Rely majorly on funds from advertising revenue

    • Conglomerates

      • Transfer vertically to become larger

      • Disney, Time Warner, etc.

    • Professional Code of Ethics

      • Be trustworthy, have accurate information, objectivity, fair, and take accountability for their actions

      • Can be wrong but helped to correct

      • Always use sources that are reliable that is accurate

      • Make sources anonymous

  • Sources

    • “On-the-record”

      • Everything said can be used and quoted, and published including your name

    • “On background”

      • Can be quoted but no name attached to it

    • “On deep background”

      • No quoting, location, or name used

      • Only info that could be used had to be paraphrased

    • “Off the record”

      • Nothing can be used

      • Just research

  • Roles of the Media

    • Gatekeeper

      • Keeps information away from the public

      • Controls what goes out

    • Watchdog

      • National media’s job to spy on politics and their behaviors

      • Uncover scandals

    • Score Keeper

      • Create reputations for politics

      • Assist choosing winners and losers

    • Agenda Setter

      • Controls the topics displayed to the public

      • Shows things important to the public

      • Makes government address them

      • Decides what to focus on the most and display it

      • Things that aren’t as important as kinda dropped off